10 Articles on Tips for Men

 On Wednesday, March 14, 2012  

Story 1:
Four Things that You Should Not do in Bed with your Woman
Congratulations, you were able to get your woman into bed! Things are looking good for you, right? That is, until you blow it!
You would actually be surprised about how many men do everything right to sack their women into bed, only to flounder at the very last second and end up with a giant case of blue balls.
So, we decided to put together a list of four things for you not to do just as heaven’s gates are about to open!
1.    Don’t Ever Bring Up Your Ex - Not Ever. This is the ultimate cock blocker. It doesn’t matter if your current girl is in an entirely different league than your last girl. The simple truth is that if you bring the topic of your Ex in bed, your current girl will think that you are thinking about your past sex partners just as she is about to share her most beautiful gift with you! If you want to compliment her, don’t do it by comparing her features or personality traits with some other chick you used to bang. For example: “You have nicer boobs than my Ex,” simply will not do. In fact, bringing up your ex-girlfriend at the most intimate time, could not only damage your chances with having great sex, but it could also cause your girl to have lingering thoughts about whether or not you are still pining after your ex-girlfriend.
2.    Don’t Show Your Insecurity. Okay, so you might have a few inches to lose around the waist and your man boobs are just too much for most women to bare, but don’t show you’re insecurity here. After all, you did get your lady to hop into bed with you for obviously other substantial reasons that don’t have much to do with your body. Most likely, she was attracted to your charm, your wit, and your confidence. Throwing out those very sexy features about you literally leaves her with nothing but your hairy love handles to grab. Instead, make your features work for you. Rather, say: “Come to Papa” or “There’s a whole Lotta Man here for you!” Remember, it’s all about confidence, which is the sexiest and perhaps the biggest attribute you got in your pocket – don’t throw it away.
3.    Don’t Treat Her Like A Guy: Yes, your girl might be cool with your guy antics, but not in bed – that’s a whole different world from your grease-stained-cigar smelling-man-sofa. Don’t fart, burp, or scratch your balls while you’re going for broke. These are huge turn-offs to any woman with a little class and sophistication. Even if she laughs at these juvenile antics, what she’s really thinking is, “My God, how did I end up here with this guy?” If you have to relieve yourself in any way, then quickly excuse yourself from the room and go to the bathroom.
4.    Hygiene is Essential. The difference between getting laid and jumping fast out of bed with blue balls could essentially come down to your hygiene. This is a critical subject for couples. Most men smell. We work out, we play sports, and we wear the same shirt three days in a row (well, some of us anyway). That’s all fine and dandy when you’re with your guy friends on a camping trip, but not when you’re on your girl’s new silky-satin sheets that she recently sprayed with her lavender aromatherapy. Most women, whether they realize it or not, get turned on by their partner’s smell. So you have to keep things clean, especially around your “amigo”. You might also consider shaving or at the very least, trimming your pubic hair since hairs are “Odor Factories.” The surface of you pubic hair is especially ripe for funky bacteria to release their stinky flatulence, causing you to reek.
Remember, not doing certain things is just as important as what you do. With these four items out of the way, you will be ready to make her feel incredible. Now go on, have fun.

Story 2: 

Lasting Ideas on How to Satisfy Your Woman through Anchors
So, you think you know how to satisfy your woman?
Well, if you’re like most men, than you’re probably thinking that there isn’t much left to learn in the world of female satisfaction. Interestingly, survey after survey suggests otherwise – In fact, many women still continue to fake their orgasms, as well as a significant percentage of them remain “not as satisfied” with their sex life, when comparing sex with their past lovers. That means that most of the time, they think someone in their past was a lot better or even bigger than you!
Being “good enough” in sports or math is acceptable. When it comes to sex, however, the place you don’t want to be in your lover’s mind is simply, “good enough” or “average.”  If that’s where you think you are, don’t worry, because there are some very simple things that you can do to change the game – starting today!
To be better than average, you must learn to develop what are called “love anchors.” What are love anchors, you ask? Well, dear boy, love anchors are what forever will separate you among your lover’s past exploits. Anchors are what will make her wish for you when you are not around. Anchors will be the things that she fantasizes about when she is making love to her husband and wishing she was with you instead.
Let us begin.
Anchors are “sticking points” that are sealed with emotion, creativity, and sexual tension with something that is familiar to her. They are specific and isolated moments or sensations that are specifically “anchored” to one of your lover’s six senses with something that is grounded in her day to day life.
Yes, that’s right – six senses. Let’s review: humans have five normal senses of sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. Senses are “lenses” by which we “sense” what is going on around us and what is happening to us.
Women, on the other hand, have one more sense – that is their sense of “romance and imagination.” Ask any woman, what she is doing when she meets a man that she likes, and she will not readily admit the truth: she is placing him in imaginary roles – father, lover, friend, or door mat.
So, you’re job is to develop anchors (one or more) in each of the six categories to ensure your place in the lover’s role! For you novices, try to do this with just one of the six “senses” at a time.
I will repeat: an anchor is an extremely memorable moment that is sealed with emotion, creativity, and sexual tension that you share with your lover and connect it with something that is already familiar to her.
Now remember, these anchors don’t always have to be erotic - they can be fun too. 
Let me give you one example: My ex-girlfriend lives in a great apartment on a beautiful street, lined with great trees. She loves those trees. So, after one evening together - being a little tipsy from a great time out - we decided to walk back to her place. As we walked home, I made it a point to stop at every single tree and kiss her.
Some kisses were passionate, others were cute pecks on the cheek or neck, and others were a kisses were light on the back of the hand as I squatted on a bent knee.
During the slow walk back to her place, we created incredible sexual tension at each of these trees. By the time we got home, she was ready to pounce on me and roar! And roar is what she did, boys.
The next day, she couldn’t stop texting me about how much she loved the evening and that how much she enjoyed kissing at every tree on her side of the street! I must admit, it was pretty fun.
Now, a couple of years have passed, but every time she thinks about those trees on her block, every time she comes home from a long day, every time she leaves for work, who do you think she be thinking about? What will she be thinking about? That’s right boys, me.
In fact, even though we had an amicable split, she often sends me messages or emails telling me that she is thinking about the night we kissed at every tree, or how much those trees remind her of me and that wonderful evening several summers ago – and she sends me these messages even though she is now engaged to someone else! That is an example of an anchor. I anchored those familiar trees she sees every day with a great sexual experience that began long before we jumped into bed.

Story 3
Common reasons for boredom in bedroom what to do about them

Are you bored with your sex life? Well, if you care to admit that you might be in a relationship in which the fire has started to dwindle a bit, you are not alone.
It happens to everyone and in every relationship.
In fact, a good way to look at your sex life is comparing it to a campfire. Once the fire gets going, it’s just a matter of time before you see the flames climb high into the night’s sky.
But then, as with every roaring fire, the flames burn down a bit and, if there aren’t any more logs thrown into the fire, all that will be left is just a hot bed of red coals! The trick is to keep putting fuel on those red coals before the fire goes out completely.
So, how do you feed that fire? After all, you really do wish you could get that “old spark” back and have the kind of great sex you used to, right?
Sexual boredom can occur in any relationship after the first initial excitement of being together wears off. After all, you and your lover may come home from a long day at work, looking pretty tired, and the last thing on your mind might be jumping on the kitchen table to get it on, right? She may have forgotten to shave for the last two weeks and she doesn’t look as sexy as she once did – we have all been there.  And of course, you’re not helping matters either by walking around, scratching you backside with your old boxers on.
Meanwhile, those hot coals in the fire pit are nearly gone.
So what do you do? Do you throw the giant log into the fire, hoping that it catches on fire again?
Most likely, what the only thing the log will do is put the fire out of its misery - forever. Why is that? Because the bigger the log, the bigger the expectations. And when our expectations are dashed, we tend to give up or get angry and walk away.
Instead, take simple and small steps to get your love back on track.
Your sex life reflects your life in general. If you are stressed, ill, or bored with your life, usually those same feelings transfer over to your sex life too. Your sex life is simply a mirror to what you are experiencing at the moment.
So what’s the answer to sexual boredom? To bring the fire back into the bedroom, you have to bring excitement to your life outside the bedroom first!
Here are a few tips:
  1. Clean out the clutter – your room, your car, and your life. Get rid of all the things that weigh you down, spiritually, emotionally or visually. This is like removing all the useless ash from your fire pit. The more ash you get rid of, the more room you will have to be you.
  2. Start exercising - This gets the juices flowing in every part of your body including your privates. If you’re not the “gym” type, take walks after dinner or go for a bike ride. Just get off your ass and start moving!
  3. Feed your creativity - Go to a theatrical play, an art show, or a music concert. The passion that comes from the art you experience can transcend to your mind, attitude, and ultimately your sex life!
  4. Communicate - Many times, you will find that your love life directly correlates with the type of communication you and your partner are experiencing. Doing the above mentioned things will help with communication. It’s easier to talk about art, music, or your health to help get you back on track. You will find that those little sparks will also help you talk about the bills being due, when you need to pick up the kids, or what chores need to be done.
  5. Bring her small gifts - The act of generosity can unlock a lot of past hang-ups, including resentments, frustrations, and annoyances that may exist between the two of you. Start small with gifts such as flowers, scarves, and coupons for getting her nails done. All these things make her feel special and provide you the feeling that you are doing a good job taking care of her!
  6. Increase Your Confidence – Women love a man with confidence. Perhaps you need an extra nudge to get the fire going. Perhaps, you want show her that you’re as sexual as ever!
Sexual excitement always begins before entering the bedroom. If you remember to slowly feed your fire, soon those small gestures will ignite into a small but powerful fire with tremendous potential. In no time at all, you will be ready to put that big log back in the fire bit and see the flames, once again, fill the night sky.

Story 4: How to Boost your Confidence with women
FACT: All women love a man with confidence.
This just isn’t a human trait – nearly every species which participate in any sort of mating ritual, requires the successful mating male to be a confident one.
Consider the following: We think of lions and their giant mane of hair and ferocious roar; we see male peacocks and their beautiful feathers exploding behind them; or giant bull frogs and their audacious grunts at night – all exuding confidence. The males with the scariest roar, most beautiful feathers, and loudest grunts all seem to make out with the ladies, right? Take a lesson.
Simply put, every male, in order to be successful at mating, needs to exhibit a sense of confidence to the female.
Of course, as humans, we don’t grow giant antlers or horns, we don’t have big bright feathers, nor do we have a mating call, but we do have other things that display confidence – and we need to use them or exploit them for us to have sex – and lots of it!
So, how do you boost your confidence with women? How do you make them get wet with excitement when they hear your voice down the hall?
While this isn’t an article that is intended to solve your childhood insecurity issues, there are a few things that you can do that will boost your confidence today – which can lead to successful opportunities to engage and hopefully have sex with the women of your choice!
First, understand what women want: security and stability. If you have these two similar attributes in your personal life, then you have just shot to the top 20% of the males seeking mates. If you aren’t secure about who you are, and what good qualities you have, then how are you going to display any real confidence to approaching females?
The issues of security and confidence require constant attention and devotion to maintain – it usually takes some effort. Beyond that, there are other ways to make you feel good about yourself which will help invite more confidence within you:
  1. Clean yourself up. There’s nothing like a great haircut, a close, clean shave, and a hot shower. You feel good, fresh, and ready to conquer the world. A well kept man can say a lot to woman you meet. It means you value you who are.
  2. Know what you are good at. The world requires us to be generalists and to be good at everything. Don’t be. Take the things that interest you and be passionate about those things. If you invest in the things you love, you will display passion for them - and women just love passion. If you have passion about any subject, you become a leader in your field. And that’s what leads us to number three.
  3. Be passionate. Find the thing that makes you wake up in the morning! Invest in that every day! Your passion about your subject will be an automatic magnet for women. Women just love a man with passion. Why? It means you believe in something. You have dedicated yourself to something worthwhile. Women absolutely love this kind of commitment and leadership.
  4. Wisdom: Understanding that what separates you from the Brad Pitts of the world is not much. Did you know that humans and chimps are about 99.9% the same? Yes, but it’s that .01 % that matters most, right? Now, what does that mean the difference is between you and Brad Pitt? Not very much! In fact, you probably have more things in common than you realize.
  5. Be Unique. Many people want to fit in. Many people don’t want to stick out in the crowd. But that’s not going to be you. Dare to be different. Welcome diversity in your life – new blood, new friends, new ways of thinking and doing things. If the life you have been leading hasn’t working for you up to know, don’t you think it’s time to shake things up a bit?
  6. Your confidence comes from within. Your confidence isn’t determined by what people think of you or whether people accept you or not. After all, not everyone will like you. But then again, do you like everyone you meet? Probably not. So, get over it. You’re a great person and you don’t need someone who has never met or know anything about you, determine whether or not you deserve their attention.
Follow these principles, along with understanding what women want security, stability and you can work on increasing your confidence every day! Soon, women will be drawn to that magnetism - you just won’t know what to do with all of your new found opportunities!

Story 5: Six Secrets of Her Sexual Desire
You’ve heard of the old saying, “what goes up… must come down,” right? Well, with sexual desire, it’s no different.
The fact is that you will have “ebb and flows” to your level of sexual desire, and so will your lover. The trick is to be able to extend the times “you are up,” and limit the times you are “down.”
Here are five secrets of doing just that:
  1. Do the Dishes: Most researchers suggest that when women feel as though the chores are done – this allows their mind “the space” to think about sex. It also gives them a sense of “well-being” – as if things are being taken care of. And women love being taken care of. Wash the dishes, take out the trash, and clean the toilet. Do these mundane chores without her asking and you just carried a part of load off your lady’s back.
  2. Date Her: Establish a time and place to go on a date and work your way up to that date throughout the week. We know, you’re both busy, you both got responsibilities and obligations, and most likely if you’re like the rest of Americans, you are very close to burning-out. So whether you have been married for ten years or dating for eight months, set up that old-fashioned time and place and prepare for it. For example, let’s say you set up a date for this Saturday evening. Start texting her on Tuesday and tell her how beautiful she is and that you can’t wait for your time together. Leave her notes – in the bathroom or on her desk telling her that you’re excited to make love to her Saturday night. The sense of anticipation is completely seductive and will generate many rewards for you.
  3. Exercise together: You could play tennis, go swimming, jogging, or play volleyball. All the research suggests that active women have greater sexual function and experience greater sexual pleasure than women who don’t exercise. Make it a weekly date – and watch her temperature rise in bed!
  4. Be Touchy-Feely. Whether you live in tiny studio apartment together or a five bedroom ranch house, be close to her – and touch her while you are passing each other. If she is already cares for you, non-sexual touching is critical during the day and increases further sentiments of closeness and intimacy. Touching and stroking in a non-sexual way – even if slightly – heightens the pleasure when sex actually does occur.
  5. Tell her she is beautiful – every day. When she wakes up, when she is putting her make up on, when she is feeding the kids, doing the laundry, or reading on the sofa. Tell her she is beautiful and that you find her very sexy. Women have lots of issues with their body. Much research finds that body dissatisfaction, decreases a woman’s sex life. A simple word, a gesture, a touch, a note, and telling her that she is beautiful, can really turn her sexuality around in no time!
Sexual desire, especially great sexual desire, always begins beyond the bed sheets. If you want to turn up the heat in bed, then you will have to do some relatively simple, yet essential, things outside the bedroom. Follow these points consistently and no doubt, you will begin turning up the fire!

Story 6: Make Her Explode By Building Up Sexual Anticipation

When a woman has an orgasm, it may feel like a powerful raging river of lust, love, and intimacy, all rolled up in one - rushing throughout her entire body.
But where does that raging orgasmic river start from?
The source of every woman’s orgasm is always found in her mind – always. In fact, most women who find it difficult to have an orgasm usually have some difficulty getting over this first major mental hurdle.
Some women have a hard time giving themselves permission to have an orgasm in the first place. After all, there are still a lot of hang ups in today’s society on a woman’s pressure to be virginal and sexy, motherly and horny - all at the same time! Research shows that these mixed feelings and expectations have very real and detrimental influence on a woman’s sexual psyche. 
The good news is that we actually know where an orgasm starts. The bad news is, that most men don’t know.
Yet, if we pay careful attention, we can take simple steps to help her unlock the passion within her!
The first thing you must do is disarm her. Women, by nature, are always on guard or suspicious of men and their motives. Now, as a man, you don’t have to necessarily hide the fact that you want to have sex, it just doesn’t need to take center stage every single moment.
Rather, if you simply make take the emphasis off sex, you will instantly intrigue her interests, because 99% of heterosexual men she has met over the course of her life have and continue to want to get into her pants first.
So, how do you disarm her? Well, the first thing to do is stop looking at her tits. Next, be genuine in sharing your passions and you interests with her. If she knows that there is an authentic man behind that small erection, then she is most likely to lower her defenses.
Second, there are simple ways to flirt with her that is not overly flirtatious. Let her know that you find her attractive - without drooling on her. Here are two examples: Let’s say, she is showing you her pictures on Facebook. Let her know that she is “photogenic.” Say something like, “Everyone looks so happy in this picture, and you look pretty amazing in that dress too!” or “This is a great photo of you and your mom – you have such a great smile!”
Now, once you disarm her and she will begin to allow you to come close to her – physically. Provide a little anticipation with teasing. A woman likes a man that she can’t really have. That’s why many women love married men – they’re safe and they can’t have them – so consequently they are more desirable and valuable.
Set up a date for you guys to go out and then steadily build on the anticipation of the meeting. The anticipation creates tension, which will be released during orgasm.
If her guard is down with you, she has basically given you the keys to her sexuality and is waiting for you to do what you do best – satisfy her deepest desires. But you can’t just open the door to her house and run upstairs to her bed. She'll snatch those key right back from you in a second! Rather, you need to explore her environment, appreciate the world she has created and is sharing with you.
Stroke her sense of being a woman - her hair, her laugh, her smell – do without too much sexual tension – that will soon come.
Call her during the week, share an interesting personal story, but before you tell her the ending – the climax - cut her off, and tell her that you got to run into a meeting and that you will finish up where you left off  when you see her. Give her something to think about and that will make her want to seeing you again soon.
If you practice building anticipation, you will no doubt cause her to want you more as the hours and days pass - until you finally see each other. Remember the orgasmic rushing river you want her to have with you, always starts from a little spring deep within her mind. Impact her mind, and you will impact her orgasms!

  Story 7:  Easy Steps To Have More Sex
So you’re sitting at home, wondering why you’re not enjoying more sex in your life, right? Join the club. Most men feel this way at some point in their lives.
Not long ago, I too, found myself in this very large group of men, wondering why and how my love life went cold.
I was after all, not a bad looking guy, educated, had a decent job, and was, for the most part, funny. Still, I couldn’t get laid for the life of me. Then things changed – I started having great sex regularly. What changed? Well, it took some time and a little of trial and error but I figured things out.
I bet you’re wondering how I turned this all around? Well, if I could package my wisdom in a bottle and sell it online, you better believe I would.
Here are a few important points that led to the change in my own life and could help you with your sex life too!
  1. Smile: The more you smile the better or positive energy you project outwardly. And positive energy is not only infectious, it’s attractive. The more you smile - the more attention you will get. Now a word of caution, don’t fake or give disingenuous smiles – it’s just not work. Authentic smiles are the best and most effective – and generate the best results.
  2. Be funny. So you don’t have a funny gene in your body, that’s okay. You can find the dry humor in things a lot easier than most of us – if you allow yourself to do so. The truth is that if you make a woman laugh, you can pretty much laugh her panties right off her. Believe me, it’s true.
  3. Get a haircut and trim your nose hairs: Sounds pretty superficial, but you would be surprised what a little trip to the barber will do for a man. It means you’re taking care of yourself and that goes a long way in a woman’s book.
  4. Get new bed sheets and fluffy comforter. Getting new bed sheets and getting your dog from shedding his hair all over the place can make all the difference. Make your bed and your entire bedroom for that matter, a love cave. You want your woman to want to go in it – not feel like she has to take a shower after the experience.
  5. Be an Expert. I don’t care if you’re expert at Star Wars trivia. Be an expert on something – anything - worms, hummingbirds, bikes, baseball cards – it doesn’t matter what it is! Women love status and experts have status. It doesn’t matter with whom – you can be king of the nerds, king of the bug experts, king of the chair makers – it doesn’t matter. Being an expert can deliver many dividends because expertise, leadership, and status all play an important role in a woman’s attraction towards you!
  6. Be Confident: Women love confidence. Yes, they all love confidence and not the macho type of confidence that peels off in a big truck and yells out the window and ladies on the street. I’m talking about the quiet confidence that comes with wisdom and internal sense of security.
  7. Be the guy in the band. Okay, so you’re not so popular. That’s okay, you don’t have to be. But just so you know, women do love to be with the guy in the band. It’s a tribal status thing. Women, as do most of us, love to be a part of something that is exclusive. Create your own exclusive party or band. It doesn’t have to be with music, it can be with art, or whatever it is that you love to do!
Follow these basic points and your magnetic pull will grow and develop. Before you know it, you will find yourself going out and having more sex than you can handle!

Story 8: 5 Ways To Last Longer In Bed
Do you struggle with premature ejaculation? Okay, maybe you are not ready to admit that you may have a PE problem - and that’s okay. But do you at least wish you could last a little longer in bed?
Sure you do! All men do.
Whether it’s to satisfy our ladies a bit more, or have a little more fun for longer periods of time, we all wish we could last a little longer!
Here’s the good news, it’s very possible to do so!  Here are six simple ways for you to last longer in bed:
  1. Masturbate. Yes, masturbating is the best thing for you to do in order to last longer in bed with your partner. Masturbating allows you to practice holding the sensation of wanting to orgasm. Just think of it as training. Masturbation also gives you a consistent sense of release, so you’re not so hard up to have an orgasm right away, when you’re actually having sex.
  2. Don’t wear underwear: Now, for various reasons this might not be possible all the time – but at least twice a week, go commando. Sounds funny, huh? Well most research indicates that men who are circumcised or don’t wear underwear last longer in bed. The simple reason: The nerve endings of the penis are used to the stimulation and develop more “resistance” to that stimulation.
  3. Stop thinking about the orgasm. When you are having sex, stop thinking about the orgasm altogether. It’s not all about the end goal here that matters. Rather, it’s about your journey getting there. With your mind and body off the orgasm, you can relax a bit and enjoy yourself – longer!
  4. Be creative. Moving from the bed to the sofa to the stairway may give your penis’ nerve endings a little break from being overly stimulated, while allowing for more fun and creative ways to make love too.
  5. Give your penis a break – don’t thrust so fast and so hard. Enjoy what you are doing and you will find that you will last a little longer in bed!
  6. Make her orgasm first. This means extending foreplay a little bit and employing some oral sex techniques. During sex, break up the positions and start engaging in oral sex – allowing her to orgasm first is a sign of a generous and satisfying lover. Plus it takes the pressure off both you to perform!

Story 9: Five Great Places To Have Sex
The most memorable sexual experiences are shaped by where and when they occur. Sometimes this is brought on by a little fear of being caught or the actual experience of having an entirely new experience all together – or both.
There are some really great places to have sex that can induce excitement and whispers around the water cooler about you.
  1. The Stairway: The fear of being walked in on and the raw sexual passion of two people engaging in sex here can cause anyone to remember this moment.
  2. A Pool/Jacuzzi: Yes, a little cliché and a little difficult because of the water temperature, but having sex in a pool or Jacuzzi is always a winner with the ladies. Something about the water that overwhelms the senses making this a place that is always exciting to share with someone.
  3. Your In-law’s House: Having sex at a family member’s home while visiting is pretty exciting stuff and is one that should not be overlooked in excitement!
  4. Camping: There is nothing quite like having sex under a billion stars near a campfire. A great way to cap off a great day in nature, but beware of bears, mosquitoes, and the nosey forest rangers.
  5. The Stove: Preferably done while all the burners are off and cooled. Having sex on top of the stop can really be an exciting little adventure for you to remember.
  6. The Garage: Okay, so you were looking for your tools, but your wife happens to walk in unaware that you have been checking her out all day. Clear off some old paint brushes and show her the hammer in your garage.
  7. On Top of a Parked Car: (Parked being the keyword): Being out in the open and having sex on top of car could be the most exciting things out there. For many men, this could almost be considered a threesome.
  8. Kitchen Table: Ah, this is another staple location for wild sex, but what a staple it is! Having dinner with the in-laws is never quite the same after an erotic love making session here.
  9. The Beach: If you live in Nebraska, perhaps there’s a river bank around. Making love on a beach is simply one of the best experiences a human being can have. It must be done at least once in a lifetime.
  10. Pool Table: My personal favorite I have saved for last. If you haven’t done this, before, you don’t know what you’re missing. This is simply a fun and sexy place to have sex.

Story 10: Delivering the Best Orgasms
When I was in high school, I wasn’t voted “Mr. Sportsman” or nominated for the “Cutest Smile,” but I would later make up for this in my own way and with my own title: “Most likely Able to Give The Best Orgasms.”
No joke, I have been told by ex-girlfriends that I give the best orgasms. You can take your “Most Likely to Succeed” title and throw it out the window – I’d take this title any day.
Whatever you do and wherever you are, if having one title among the ladies that is important, this is the one to have.
And the good news is that you can have it – if you follow a few simple things – that all take a little practice and time.
First, you need to understand that each woman is different. Every woman experiences an orgasm in a slightly different way then the next. Therefore, what works very well for one woman, might not work for the next woman. And that’s okay! That’s what makes exploring new women exciting – figuring out what makes them scream with ecstasy.
With every woman, the best orgasms begin and end in their mind. Stimulate their mind and then you will maximize the stimulation of their clitoris.
Think of an orgasm as a wave – beginning slow and rising gently until it crests. The best orgasms always have a deeper “body of water” beneath the wave when it crests. The way to increase this depth, is to lengthen the level of foreplay and anticipation. This means kissing more: kiss her neck, her back, her buttocks, her legs and her toes.
Wait for a bit before you put yourself inside her. If you gently enter, pull out again, and resume kissing her – slowly and passionately building up that wave towards its crest.
When she wants you inside of her, gently work your mouth down to her belly button as you gently squeeze her breasts. Perform oral sex with her and use your fingers to gently enter her wet vagina.
Use you your lips and tongue to lick, suck, and tease her clitoris. You may stop for awhile and enter her again. When she is enjoying sex and when you are ready to orgasm hold off a bit, go back to kissing her on her back.
Next, turn her gently around, and resume oral sex until she climaxes. When she does climaxes, tell her how sexy and how beautiful she is, and then kiss her again. Doing this right may take some practice, but you will get the hang of it.
The most important thing is to enjoy your time, make it sensual, fun, and always include some level of anticipation. Follow the above steps and you cannot go wrong! Good luck! 
10 Articles on Tips for Men 4.5 5 Yandardi Lesmana Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Story 1: Four Things that You Should Not do in Bed with your Woman Congratulations, you were able to get your woman into bed! Things are loo...

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